Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Year 6 Explore Fairtrade Products in Tesco

28th March 2018


As part of their topic 'Food Glorious Food' Year 6 are studying 'Fair trade'. The children have explored - What Fair trade is and what it does for farmers in the developing world.

Year 6 went on a visit to Tesco on Wednesday 28th March to investigate Fair trade products sold in the store, find out where they were exported from and the price comparison with non- Fair trade produce. Back in school the children located counties exporting Fair trade products on the world map and used their numeracy skills to work out the price differences between Fair trade and non-Fair trade produce.

This work linked very well to the work undergone by the children in relation to this year's Trocaire campaign. The children have researched and looked very closely at Sierra Leone, a country in the developing world. They are now aware that Trocaire, alongside the Fair trade foundation, are working for justice and equality for the people of the developing world. 

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