At the start of each term the school's teaching staff issue a Parent Curriculum Newsletter. This curriculum newsletter aims to:
- Keep parents better informed about what your child is studying in school
- Make connections between learning at school and learning at home
The Curriculum Newsletter will focus on the major themes children are studying during the term. We know that children learn best when they are motivated and excited by their learning. The topics capture the children's interest and sustain that interest.
We also know that children learn best when their learning is relevant and connected. Each topic that the children will study will develop the World Around Us subjects of science, geography and history. Science is an area of the curriculum that St.Brigid's Primary School is committed to developing. The topics are then used to extend the children's literacy (reading, writing, talking & listening), numeracy and Information Communication Technology (ICT). Each of the themes also offers the opportunity to promote The Arts through drama, art and music as well as developing PE and Personal Development & Mutual Understanding (PDMU).
Support for learning at home is very important. The Curriculum Newsletter will help parents connect learning at home to learning at school and provide opportunities for parents to read with their children, share their knowledge, help research a topic either at the library or working together on-line or taking children to places of interest.