Special Education
There are two Learning Support Centres (LSCs) in St. Brigid's PS. The children, staff and parents refer to centres as Class A and Class B.
Class: A
Pupils: Years1 – 4
Teacher: Mrs A McIlroy
Learning Support Assistants: Miss Veronica Gilmour, Mrs Valerie Black, Miss Rhianon O'Boyle, Miss Taylor Neill
Class: B
Pupils: Years 5-7
Teacher: Mrs M O'Mullan
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Orla Murdoch, Mrs Valerie Black
Children attending the Learning Support Centres have a statement of Special Educational Need which will include moderate to severe learning difficulties and may also have accompanying additional special needs such as speech and language difficulties or Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
St. Brigid's PS was one of the first schools in the NEELB area to offer LSC support for Y1-7 pupils, when it set up the centres eighteen years ago. A considerable amount of experience and expertise in working with Special Needs children has been develop in the school and this is supported by on-going professional training. The quality of the teaching, learning and care was recognised in an ETI School Inspection Report (Sept 2013) when St. Brigid's LSCs were graded as 'outstanding', the highest possible grade.
Our staff Learning Support team is led by Mrs McIroy who is and has responsibility for managing special educational needs. The Learning Support Centres are well resourced to meet the educational needs of the children.The pupil/teacher ratio is small, allowing the children to develop their skills, knowledge and social skills.
Children in the LSCs follow the primary school curriculum, receiving individually targeted teaching for both literacy and numeracy. Support from outside agencies is important. For example a Speech and Language Therapist is based in the school and other health professionals, such as Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists may also work with the children. This is a very effective approach as it connects and promotes the development of the whole child.
Learning Support Centres based in primary schools also provide children with the opportunities to integrate with their main stream peers. Children from the centres join all of the other pupils at break and lunchtime. They also integrate for play, PE, religion, music, Circle Time, educational visits and after school clubs. This year the school has particularly focused on integration for the World Around Us (science, geography, history). Integration promotes a positive atmosphere of inclusion and diversity.
If you have a child with Special Educational Needs and would like to view our facilities and speak with the staff please contact the school to arrange a visit. Demand for places in the LSCs is high.