Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Year 2 and Class A Visit the Causeway Hospital

20th October 2017


On Thursday 19th October, Primary 2 and Class A had a very insightful educational trip to the Accident and Emergency Department at the Causeway Hospital, Coleraine. We were guided around by Olive and Patricia who were extremely helpful. We visited the A&E department where we got to experience bandages being put on, casts being made and heart rates being taken. The nurses told us lots of information about how they look after both minor and major patients who have to attend the emergency department.

Another little treat was getting to visit the X-ray department where we met Radiographers. We played a guessing game where we had to guess what the object/body part was that had been x-rayed and displayed on the light screen. The radiographers allowed us to sit up on the special bed and move up and down as well as backwards and forwards too.

The biggest surprise of all was getting to meet paramedics and explore the ambulances that were parked outside the department. They told us how they provide help to those who require immediate aid. The paramedics gave us a fright with their loud extremely loud siren and bright blue flashing lights!

All in all, we had a wonderful trip to the hospital and learned lots of exciting new facts about those who work within that environment and the special job they do each day. A huge note of thanks and appreciation to the Causeway Accident and Emergency Department who took the time out of their very busy day to provide us with a meaningful and enlightening experience!

Enjoy the photographs!!

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