Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Year 1 Graduation

23rd June 2020


Dear Parents,

Traditionally I would have been welcoming you all into the classroom to share a video of your children’s memories from their first year of school together.  It was always something we looked forward to and I’m sure you do too.  Therefore it would be unfair to skip this important visit down memory lane and although the year didn’t end the way we hoped it would, there are so many highlights to reflect on.  Your child’s first day… the friends they’ve made … the things that they have learned to name a few.  You will see how much they’ve grown up, it’s amazing!  Every day is an adventure with your child and this year they have certainly given us plenty of fabulous memories that we will cherish forever.    

Thank you from all the P.1 staff.


To my class…

Hello boys and girls!  I’ve had lots of fun putting together a little video of you and your friends.  Looking at your beautiful little face is such a joy and really does make me smile.  I have included lots of messages for you in the video, your mum or dad will help you to read them.  Please remember a little bit of each of you will always be with me and I know you will love getting back to school to see your friends.  I promise that I will pop into P.2 to say hello too.

Lots of love, Mrs McKay and Mrs O’Mullan  

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