Watch Video...St. Brigid's renew their Green Flag!
28th November 2016
The whole school community have been working as one to:
* improve health and well-being
* to encourage changes in forms of travel to school
* to promote a better understanding of bio-diversity
* to further improve our school grounds.
On Thursday 17 Nov the pupils and staff donned their gardening gear and had a day of planting and digging in raised beds, in our nature trail and even in old wellingtons!
Pupils constructed a Bug Hotel and created fairylands from recycled materials. Others made weather vanes, wind chimes, water butts, and miniature herb gardens, with a self watering system (all using recycled materials and twigs, stones and leaves from our nature trail.
The school's wormery was opened up to reveal a huge family of worms. The children learned first hand how important worms are to our eco-system and one or two pupils were brave enough to handle the worms.
Classrooms were transformed, as pupils recycled and reused to make a range of creative pieces, including furniture, clothes, a patchwork quilt, mobiles and designer trainers.
The school was buzzing and the nature trail was truly alive as children went on scavenger hunts and tree trails.
This ECO Action Day highlights the value of outdoor learning and active learning. It helps children to appreciate nature and to understand the need to protect it. We all felt so good at the end of the day and so proud of our achievements. A wonderful day that also demonstrated that learning can be fun!
On Monday 21 November St. Brigid’s pupils held an ECO Show to display all the work they have been doing over a year. The two assessors were shown a short movie of the pupils and staff working together to improve the world on both a local and global manner. To the sound of rapturous music, the children then held an indoor parade to showcase their achievements. The assessors were particularly impressed that all environmental work had been on a whole school basis and was extremely inclusive. They were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and happiness that was so apparent from the pupils and staff. The assessors also met with the Pupil ECO Committee to discuss projects past, present and future. The committee then gave the assessors a tour of the school to highlight the improvements made to the school grounds. This included a walk through the school’s nature trail and garden area as the pupils showed how the school has embraced their ECO Code and gained a better understanding of bio-diversity.
To the sound of loud cheers and enthusiastic applause the two assessors were delighted to announce to the pupils and staff, that St. Brigid’s P.S had successfully achieved the ECO Flag Award! They were so impressed with the work and achievements of the school that they have asked if we can use the school video to share good practice with other schools.