Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

The Grand Christmas Draw

20th November 2020


PTA Grand Christmas Draw

Thanks to so many people for their kindness in making donations to the PTA Christmas Draw. The many prizes that have been donated have led to some great prizes this year.

This is most likely going to be our only fundraiser this year. We are currently raising funds for new interactive panels for the classrooms. Currently we are on track to be able to afford to replace some of the boards this year. The boards cost approximately £3000 per room. This is the most up-to-date technology and thanks to the great work of the PTA, alongside your support, we have raised over £10000 in the last 18 months. This final fundraiser will hopefully leave us in a position to order 4 or 5 new boards in January.

The tickets for the draw will go out at the beginning of next week and will be on sale up to Thursday 10th December. The draw will take place in school on Friday the 11th December. To reflect the great prizes, tickets are priced at £2.00 each or a book of 6 for £10. We enclose 2 books per family and hope that you can encourage extended family members to support the draw as well. We have 700 books to sell and that will potentially raise £7000. If you can take some extra books and sell them at work etc., we can send out extra books of tickets.

We appreciate that this is a challenging time financially for everyone and therefore we do anticipate that this will be the only main fundraiser this year.

Thank you for your co-operation in everything so far. Take care and keep safe.

Mr O’Neill

The Grand Christmas Draw 2 books of tickets will go out to every family during the week beginning 27 November. Please return any tickets (sold/unsold) to the school on or before Wednesday 9 December. The Draw will take place on Friday 11 December. All funds raised will go towards replacing interactive boards in the classrooms.

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