Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

The Christmas Big Bedtime Read

23rd November 2016


St. Brigid’s Big Christmas Read!


Last week pupils in Y1 and Y2 came back into school on a cold November evening to find the Y2 classroom transformed to a Christmas Wonderland! The children came prepared for their night time read, wearing their pyjamas, dressing gowns, onesies and bedroom slippers. Mrs O’Mullan read them magical Christmas stories, and they also enjoyed Christmas songs. Caroline and Angela prepared hot chocolate, which made the evening even more special.

Meanwhile, two parent reading workshops were provided , one for parents of pupils in Y1 and the other for parents with children in Y2.  

The Y1 workshop was led by Mrs Hickey, the Y1 teacher, who demonstrated how reading is taught in Y1 and how parents can support and promote reading at home. The Y2 workshop was led by the two Y2 teachers, Mrs McKay and Miss McAlleenan. This workshop focused on how reading is developed in Y2 and what strategies the children can now employ to further develop their reading skills, fluency and comprehension of text. Mrs Mckay also placed an emphasis on promoting the enjoyment of reading. Miss McAlleenan gave an overview of how writing is developed in Y2, explaining that writing is a higher order skill and provided parents with an insight as how best to help their child.

Parents were also very enthusiastic about the initiative and learnt a great deal about how the school teaches the children to read and write.

There was tremendous excitement in the school and the novelty of coming to school in pyjamas definitely appealed to the boys and girls. 

On Friday 2 December @ 10 a.m. the school will hold its annual Open Morning and there will be an opportunity for prospective parents to visit the whole school and see for themselves how St. Brigid’s PS is promoting reading, hear about the excellent Inspection Report  (Nov’16) and view the refurbished school building, following the £1.3 million school building improvement programme.   You will be made feel very welcome.

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