Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Stormont Visit

16th May 2023


Our Primary 7s, Eco Council and Pupil Council had a fantastic day out at Stormont. The children enjoyed an hour’s play in the wonderful Mo Mowlam play park at the entrance to Stormont before we boarded the bus again and made the spectacular 1.2km drive up Prince of Wales’ Ave to visit Parliament Buildings.

Our guide, Marina, was amazing. She was so knowledgeable and was able to answer all our questions. She ‘chaired’ a debate we had on ‘banning school uniform’ as we sat in the actual seats inside the chamber. We shouted ‘Hear Hear’ if we agreed with the points being made and even had a grumble or two when we disagreed! It was so exciting. We voted too, walking through the ‘Aye’ door or the ‘No’ door the way the MLAs vote to pass bills. We had great fun.

We learned so much and felt very important being inside the impressive building. We took the opportunity to deliver a letter the P7s had written together in class, detailing how cuts in Education will adversely affect them as children, students and their futures.

It was a superb day out.

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