Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

St Brigid’s Family Sports Day

5th June 2020


Hello boys and girls, parents and guardians!

Our annual Sports Day is a big event in the school calendar and usually takes place this time of year. Sadly, we cannot come together to enjoy the day, but that does not mean we cannot recreate the fun and games at home with our families!

We would love you to hold a Family Sports Day in your garden, on any suitable day of the week beginning 8th June. You can include all the regular sports day favourites (obstacle race, egg and spoon, sack race, sprint etc). Mrs McKay and I have put together some ideas for games to help you plan your day (see videos below), with the emphasis on having lots of FUN! We have no doubt that our creative children and parents will have plenty of ideas of your own too!

Plan Your Day:

The children can take charge of planning their day in advance; drawing up a timetable of events and making a list of equipment. You may have to improvise a little – for example, filled 2 litre bottles or used milk cartons make a great substitute for cones, while old pillowcases or strong plastic bags can be used for the sack race.

Why not make a day of it and have a picnic in the garden. Bring the teddy bears along too – the more the merrier!

Document Your Day!

Action shots with happy faces are one of the lasting highlights of Sports Day. We would love to see photos of this year’s unique event. Please send them in to and we will share them on the website the following week.

So, get planning and remember to have LOTS of fun. We can’t wait to see how you get on!

Mrs McMullan

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