St. Brigid's Day / Grandparents' Day
1st February 2016
To mark St. Brigid’s Day and Grandparents’ Day the pupils, parents, grandparents and staff of St. Brigid’s Primary School, Ballymoney held a celebration day for the whole school community.
St. Brigid’s Day / Grandparents’ Day is a very special day in the calendar and to
mark this important occasion the children wrote poems for their grandparents,
which went on display throughout the school. In Terms I and II the pupils have been focusing on poetry writing as
part of the School Development Plan, with everyone learning how to write
different types of poems. The children
were so keen on poetry that they were bursting to share their work with people
who are special in their lives and Catholic Schools’ Week, with the celebration
of Grandparents’ Day, gave the children the perfect opportunity to write for a
real audience. For those children with
brothers, sisters and cousins in the school there was also the opportunity to
come together to work collaboratively on a joint poem for their grandparents.
This was a very special experience, one which the children will remember. There were also writing workshops, where the
older boys and girls helped the younger children write their poems. Mrs Kelly (Literacy Co-ordinator) was full of
praise for the children, ‘It has been wonderful to see the patience and care
that has gone into this work. We are so
proud of the children. The whole school
looks amazing.’
On St. Brigid’s Day (1st February) grandparents, parents, family and friends joined the children for 10 a.m. mass in the church, followed by a visit to the school. After refreshments in the assembly hall the special guests viewed the display of the children’s work. In addition, some of the children had also recorded their poems which were played on the TV screens around the school (and available by clicking below).
Grandparents also visited the Primary One classrooms to see where the newest members of the school community spent their busy days as well as viewing the £1.3 million school building refurbishment programme.
Later in the year the school will publish the grandparents’ poems so that each family can have a memento of the day and the children can experience what it is like to be a real writer.
Thank-you all for your wonderful support.