Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Retirement of Mrs Louise McNally

29th June 2017


                                                  Retirement of Mrs Louise McNally

Vice Principal

St Brigid’s PS Ballymoney

The end of the school year is always an emotional time for those children who are leaving after seven years in primary school.  This year in St Brigid’s PS this has been added to with the retirement of Mrs Louise McNally after 24 years of service to the school.  Mrs McNally joined St Brigid’s in 1993 and over the years she has dedicated herself to everything associated with St Brigid’s.  Mrs McNally has not only been a teacher in those 24 years but Vice Principal, Acting Principal, SENCO, Child Protection Teacher and Head of the Learning Support Centre to name but a few of the important roles she has fulfilled

Mrs McNally was appointed in 1993 and began the task of developing the Learning Support Centres in St Brigid’s PS.  Mrs McNally’s passion and commitment to children with special educational needs helped to grow the Learning Support Classes over the years into outstanding centres for supporting children with learning difficulties and other needs.  Mrs McNally built the tradition of integration and acceptance for the children who attended the Learning Support Centre and worked tirelessly to make sure that the children were fully included in the life of the school.  Mrs McNally leaves us this rich legacy of dedication to all children regardless of needs and the staff here have been fortunate to have had her as a role model and learned so much from her.  Thanks to Mrs McNally we will all work together to help St Brigid’s go from strength to strength.

We will miss Mrs McNally’s drive and enthusiasm for learning and the constant pursuit of high quality provision in St Brigid’s.  Mrs McNally’s passion for outdoor learning in particular will always be with us and we will continue to develop all outdoor learning opportunities especially the ‘Rocky Ramble’, the ‘McNally Bridge’ and all our lovely gardens.

Mrs McNally did not do the job for thanks, popularity or personal reward but more importantly to enrich the lives of the children that she came into contact with over the years in St Brigid’s.  It has been a great testimony to her to listen to many kind words and messages of gratitude from pupils past and present, as well as parents, who have been touched by her kindness throughout the years.

We wish Mrs McNally all the best in her retirement and hope that she enjoys all the new and exciting challenges in the years ahead.  May God keep her safe and well in whatever she does.

On behalf of everyone associated with St Brigid’s PS past and present we thank Mrs McNally for everything.

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