Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Pupil Positive Behaviour Report

8th October 2015


In February 2015 the school community of staff, parents and pupils were surveyed on behaviour in St. Brigid's PS.  The results of the consultation were used to review the Positive Behaviour Policy. 

You will find a copy of the report in the following section of our website:

Downloads go to Policies go to Pupil Positive Behaviour Report.



All of the children took part in the review of behaviour in St. Brigidfs PS.  The older children (Y4-7) were surveyed using a questionnaire and the School Council met to discuss behaviour matters with the external consultant.  Younger children's views (Y1-3) were collected in Circle Time lessons by the consultant.

The data provided by the children was analysed by the staff and the parent representative on the Board of Governors. 

The children's views are central to improving our school and we are committed to continual improvement. We are proud of the way our children engaged with this process and their contribution to our school.

Good  Behaviour

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