Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel


Congratulations Year 3

10th May 2021

Congratulations to our year 3 children who celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday 5th May....

Friday 16th April

16th April 2021

St Brigid's Trocaire Collection 2021

16th April 2021

A massive thank you to everyone who made a donation this year through the '5 Day Fitness Challenge' for...

St Brigid's Celebrate Easter

31st March 2021

Every class has worked very hard over the last two weeks on their assigned aspect of 'The Easter Story'. We...

PTA Easter Treat

31st March 2021

A 'big' thank you to the PTA for a very special Easter treat. All the boys and girls were extremely excited...

Year 7 Plan Easter Fun for the Little Ones!

31st March 2021

Primary 7s in St. Brigid’s have had lots of fun planning Easter activities for all the younger children in...