Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Green Day in St Brigid's

16th March 2023


What a fantastic 'Green Day' in St Brigid's today!! As usual the children pulled out all the stops to get dressed up for all the celebrations in school.

Year 5 begun the day with a fabulous assembly. The children retold the story of St Patrick through drama and music. They treated everyone to a lovely tune on their tin whistles and concluded with a dance to get us into the spirit of 'Green Day'.

Lots of singing and Ceili dancing followed with every year group from Year 1 to Year 7 taking part.

Well done to our Irish dancers who performed and entertained us. Girls, you were super!

A special thank you to the Year 6 children for organising a bun sale at break time. We appreciate the support and generosity of our parents who assisted their children with this. The children raised an amazing £208!! Well done boys and girls!!

The Staff and pupils of St Brigid's wish our parents and carers a very Happy St Patrick's Day. We hope you enjoy the pictures of the day.

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