Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Get Caught Reading challenge

7th March 2018


Preparations for World Book Day started during our midterm Break in February when the children were challenged to “Get Caught Reading” in a strange or unusual place.

We were inundated with fantastic photographs showing the children reading in weird and wonderful places ranging from the Disney Land Castle in Paris to the cockpit of an aeroplane en route to the Canary Islands.                     .

Not only were the children caught reading in all kinds of places, we had a great variety of peculiar positions as well!  

Upside down, bouncing, jumping, sliding, crouching… you name it, we have photos to prove that the pupils of St Brigid’s can indeed “Get Caught Reading” in wonderful places. We had children in diggers, tractors, quads, go-carts and even in the back of a Police Van! Check out our display boards in school to pick your favourite photo and choose your personal favourite.

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