First Holy Communion
28th May 2017
Congratulations to the boys and girls in Primary 4 who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 27th May.
It was a fantastic day for our school and our parish community. St Brigid's is very proud of all the Year 4 children. They worked very hard with their teacher Mrs Diamond to prepare for the sacrament and celebrated their First Holy Communion in a very respectful way. Well done boys and girls!
We hope that the Primary 4 children enjoyed a very special and fun filled day with their families.
A big thank you to Fr O'Brien for the lovely service, to Mrs Diamond and the staff of St Brigid's. A special thank you to the parent helpers from the Year 3 class and the school choir for the music. We appreciate you giving up your time to make First Communion an extra special day for the Year 4s.
We hope you enjoy the lovely photographs.