Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

Election Day in St.Brigid's

27th September 2019


Council Candidates Counted

What a fantastic ‘Election Day’ we had in St. Brigid’s!! Candidates canvassed for votes with persuasive manifestoes and wonderfully creative posters and placards in the hope of securing the much coveted position of ‘Class Councillor’. We acquired actual ballot boxes and a polling booth from the Electoral Office in Derry in order to give the children a real life experience of what voting will be like when they become adults. They all were involved in the setting up and organising of the elections as well as casting their own votes. Identification slips were signed and checked, ballot slips issued, completed and posted, under the watchful eyes of the many diligent officials! The Counting Office was then opened and the official counters got to work, recording the final voting statistics which were announced at the afternoon assembly. The children loved the experience and learned a great deal. Thank you to Mrs Campbell and Orlagh for the meticulous organisation and to Mrs Campbell’s daddy who arranged for the loan of the official ballot boxes and booth.

We look forward to an exciting year of new ideas and hard work from our newly elected pupil council. 

Enjoy the video of our fantastic day. 

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