Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel

A Rainbow For Caden

21st September 2017


On Thursday 21 September the children and staff in St Brigid’s PS ditched the usual uniforms and wore colourful clothing to create their own living rainbow.  Each class chose a colour of the rainbow and on the day came together as a whole school to make a rainbow. 


All of this colour and excitement was to support one of St Brigid’s Year 3 pupils, Caden Moore, who was diagnosed with aplastic anaemia in June.  The school as a community really wanted to show Caden that we wanted to do everything we could to help him in his recovery.  Caden has been to Bristol for a bone marrow transplant and thankfully he is now back at home to continue his recovery.  Even though it will be some time yet before Caden is back at school with all his friends, everyone here in St Brigid’s is delighted with the positive news about Caden. 


Caden is a colourful, bright and happy child who is so full of energy and we decided that the creation of our own special rainbow was a lovely way to keep Caden in our thoughts.  The rainbow will even have a ‘little pot of gold’ at the end of it as the children and staff are using it as a fundraiser to support Caden, his family and the organisations that have been supporting them all. 


The ethos of St Brigid’s PS challenges us to develop each child to become a responsible member of the community who will care for others.  It is important in our busy world that we take the time to care for and support those who need our help.  We all wish Caden a full recovery and can’t wait for the day the he joins us all back in St Brigid’s.

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