Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel


Netball Tournament Coleraine Leisure Centre

9th May 2019

Our fantastic netball team made the school and everyone so proud as we put up a gallant defence of the...

Shared Education Year 5

9th May 2019

Year 5 had another fantastic morning of Shared Education with Leaney PS in Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre. This...

Harry Gregg Soccer Competition

9th May 2019

Well done to our Y4/5 boys’ football team and our Y6/7 girls, soccer team who both took part in the Harry...

Egg Hunt in the Park

18th April 2019

P7s and P1s enjoyed an eggs-iting egg hunt in the park this morning. The P7s hid lots of eggs for the little...

Confirmation Choir Celebration

17th April 2019

The children from our school choir were treated to a celebration party yesterday in recognition of their hard...